Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Movie From One of the Chimps Fans!

Fan Fun with Cobby!
Thank you to Michael Murphy!

Another sneak peak at tonight's I-Team Investigation!


  1. I wrote this to the Zoo director and the SF Parks and Recs president I am NATIVE of San Francisco. I do NOT agree with decision to move theelderly chimps anywhere. I am displeased with secrecy about this wholeidea and not sharing it publicly. What needs to happen is that some CREATIVE thinking out of the box needs to happen. SF parks and Recs needs to get some of that corporate sponsored money from Outside Lands Festival to rebuild the chimps cages,Or any of the .dot coms that are here, have the corporations sponsor the cages. For example, Google,Facebook, Airbnb, Pixar they are obligated to enhance San Francisco take their donations and rebuild the cages in the zoo.. or get celebrity endorsements.
    For example, The Chimps cages sponsored by Facebook, Airbnb, etc. Or the penguins exhibit sponsored by the SJ Sharks. This in turn will associate visitors of the zoo with the corporations that are part of the SF landscape, and it will be a good gesture because amidst the gentrification we need something positive.
    It will not only be good for the locals but also for visiting tourists and future residents to see the collaboration.This is how it should be handled, creatively and ethically. The chimps were here before both of you! You both have an obligation to the residents of San Francisco, We the residents of San Francisco feel strongly about
    this hastily made decision, and you as individuals do not have the right
    to speak for the rest of us. Do the right thing, and be as honest
    to yourselves and to the people who got you into the positions you are
    in now. If anything bad happens to the Chimps it will rest on your
    shoulders, and you both will always be known and recognized for your
    tarnished reputations.

    1. @Scarlet -
      Thank you for your comment. I apologize for the delay in replies to all comments. I worked hard to present the information in all aspects of Networking this situation. That left me exhausted, but it was all worth it. I'm here now to post replies. Will do my best to do so in hindsight of the Victory! ... Thank you for participating in the crusade! Taking time to write letters is wonderful. ... You are absolutely right in regards to sponsors. I suggested this over five years ago, in regard to even small things like repainting exhibits and posting, something like sponsored by "Lowes". Its a version of bartering and with the economy as it is, I think working hand in hand with businesses would be a plus for all. If you've been to the Zoo, you can see that suggestion was never taken into consideration. As well the same type of suggestion was made in regard to the money taken as donations for those who pay to change an Animals name. If you are new to my blogs, the changing of names is a real thorn for me. I think asking for sponsorship and putting a sign at the Animals exhibit is the respectful approach, yet it has yet to be done. Instead Animals like our Hippo and Siberian Tiger at 10 years + when they arrived here, have had the names they've had for life changed for money. ... Thank you for all the feelings you have stated about the Chimps and the move. Thankfully the outcome of this was fast and in the Chimps favor and those babies had no idea about any of it.

  2. How can we help beyond signing the petition, can we have a sit in protest at the zoo?

  3. @Kary - Thank you for your comment. I apologize for the delay in replies to all comments. I worked hard to present the information in all aspects of Networking this situation. That left me exhausted, but it was all worth it. I'm here now to post replies. Will do my best to do so in hindsight of the Victory! ... Thank you for signing and for wanting to do more. Before the News piece aired, I had planned a rally, but as I am often the solo voice for the Zoo Friends, it turned out I would be the only one out there and a friend pointed out a rally indicated a group of people. So, I shelved that idea and thankfully within two days we had a Victory! and the rally isn't needed! Good to know that because of the News people like you would have been standing next to me! Please keep reading the blog as I hope to have some ways we can still help the Chimps. I know that I'm the last person Director Peterson wants to heard from, but I have some ideas about donating to the Chimps that we require the Zoo's involvement. Going to post about those ideas soon as well. So there may still be ways we can help!


*Thank you for your comment. All comments are appreciated and I try my best to reply back in a timely manner. Sometimes "timely" isn't possible, but I will reply to all comments at some point. Please check back.
*As with all posts, please expand comments for additional insight and information.
*Contact the San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson if you want your voice heard within the walls tanyap@sfzoo.org
*Thank You for taking the time to read about things that matter to me.